We’re glad that you are interested in what Immanuel has to offer.
Immanuel Lutheran Church was planted in 1950. In 2006 we underwent a major addition. But our foundation is built upon Christ and His Word alone. We cherish the message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified for the forgiveness of our sins. You'll see the by-lines on our sign out front, "The changeless Christ for a changing world".
We are also shaped by the confession of Martin Luther and those reformers who called the church back to this same message of free grace and forgiveness. As we celebrated the 500th anniversary of the reformation in the fall of 2017, we reaffirmed our commitment to the Lutheran Confession of faith that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone who is revealed in the Scriptures alone.
Please look over our website and facebook page to get an idea of what Immanuel offers. But the best that we offer is Jesus in His Word and sacraments. There we meet Jesus and His grace for sinners. The Word of God and the sacraments brings to us the very hope of salvation that is in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us! We think you’ll find Immanuel a welcoming place for college students, visitors, and all who seek to meet with Jesus in the means of grace.