March 12, 2025 (Lenten Midwk2)
Ash Wednesday Service (Mar 5, 2025)
Ashes Imposition Service (noon on Mar 5th)
There are a growing number of ways to hear God's Word preached over the television, radio, and internet. These opportunities are not only a great way to stay connected to the Word throughout the week, but a great way to share the Lord with friends, family, and neighbors.
First, you watch our worship services online. Video recordings are available on the Sermons page. Recordings are also available on Immanuel's Facebook page and YouTube channel. here (or click on the "Sermons" tab). Video recordings are available on our YouTube channel, Immanuel Fargo, and on our Facebook page, Immanuel Lutheran.
'Main Street Living North' is a TV program that includes a worship service by participating pastors from the MNNorth and ND Districts -- including the archived editions of the popular program, "This Is The Life" -- on KVRR, Sundays 9am. See website:
'The Lutheran Hour' is Sundays on KFGO AM 790 at 7:30am and on KFNW AM 1200 at 4:30pm. Upcoming topics are posted on the LLL bulletin board at their website:
'Christ the Way' is a radio program featuring ND District LCMS Pastors on KSJB 600AM at 7:30am on Sundays. You can find our synod's radio station at: You can find daily devotions by Pastor Klaus at The 'Men's Network' is at Finally, you can find current events from a Lutheran view: